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Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
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1) Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam, 3. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion and Stabilization by plate and screw- early experience. , BMRC journal, No. 2, ISSN 0377- 9238, , 2012, Vol. 38, , page: 62-66.
2) Dr.Md. Ashraful Islam, 5. Association of dietary fiber with high sensitivity C- reactive protein in type 2 Diabetic Mellitus, , Bangladesh journal of Medical Science, number 2, ISSN 2223-4721, , 2012, volume 11, page 117-120.
3) Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam, 2. Comparative study for decompression of TOS due to cervical rib through transaxillary and supraclavicular approaces. , The journal of Bangladesh Orthopaedic Society,number 1, ISSN 1998-6602, , 2011, volume-26,, page: 24-32
4) Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam, 4. Evaluation of the posterior decompression and posterolateral fusion and stabilization by pedical screw and rod in thoracolumber burst fracture , BMRC journal No. 3, ISSN 0377- 9238,, 2011, Vol.37,, page: 97-101.
5) Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam, Evaluation of surgical management of spinal schwonoma in fifteen cases. as second author. , The Journal of Bangladesh Orthopaedic Society, number 2, ISSN 1998-6602, , 2010, volume-25,, page: 113- 118,
6) Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam, Evaluation of the outcome of excision of cervical rib and anterior scalenotomy for decompression of thoracic outlet syndrome through supraclavicular approach. , The journal of Bangladesh Orthopaedic Society, number 2, ISSN 1998-6602, , 0, volume-24,, page: 73-77.